- National Award of Statistics Concha Bielza, 2024
- ELLIS Fellow Pedro Larrañaga , 2023
- ELLIS Fellow Concha Bielza, 2023
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association Concha Bielza, 2024
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association Pedro Larrañaga, 2021
- IEEE Fellow, Pedro Larrañaga, 2023
- IEEE Senior Membership, Concha Bielza, 2022
- Amity Research Award for Significant Contribution in the Field of Machine Learning, Amity University (India) Pedro Larrañaga y Concha Bielza, 2020
- Premio Tercer Milenio: Finalista en el Tercer Milenio 2018 del Heraldo de Aragón (categoría Joven Talento Investigador) Santiago Gil Begué, 2018
- Premio de la Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial 2018 CAEPIA Pedro Larrañaga, 2018
- Segundo premio Frances Allen a la labor investigadora en el área de la Inteligencia Artificial CAEPIA 2018 Laura Antón, 2018
- Fellow of the Academia Europea Pedro Larrañaga, 2018
- Research prize, Technical University of Madrid Concha Bielza, 2014
- Aritmel prize, Spanish Scientific Computing Society Pedro Larrañaga, 2013
- Fellowship of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-Fellow) Pedro Larrañaga, 2012
- Best reviewer, XIII Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) Concha Bielza, 2009
PhD Thesis
- Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado 2016-2017. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial (ETSI Informáticos – U.P.M.) Otorgado por la Comisión de Posgrado de Doctorado (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Laura Antón, 2018
- Primer Premio Trabajo Fin de Master (curso 2017-2018) Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial (ETSI Informáticos – U.P.M.) Santiago Gil Begué, 2018
- Extraordinary PhD Thesis Award, Technical University of Madrid Contributions to Bayesian network learning with applications to neuroscience P.L. López Cruz, 2013-2014
- Best PhD thesis, Spanish Mathematics Society
Inteligencia Artificial para Predicción y Control del Acabado Superficial en Procesos de Fresado a Alta Velocidad M. Correa, 2011
- Research in Life Sciences and Health Award, Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors
IctNeo: Un sistema de Ayuda a la Decisión para el Tratamiento de la Ictericia en Recién Nacidos M. Gómez, 2002
- Extraordinary PhD Thesis Award, Technical University of Madrid Contributions to the Analysis of Decision-Making Supercomplex Problems C. Bielza, 1996
- Extraordinary PhD Thesis Award, University of the Basque Country Structural Learning and Triangulation of Bayesian Networks by Genetic Algorithms P. Larrañaga, 1995
Best Paper in Conferences
- Bayes Fusion Best Student Paper Award, 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models Irene Córdoba, 2018
- Doctoral Consortium, CAEPIA 2015, best thesis project ex-aequo. Albacete November 2, 2015. Theoretical studies and new approaches to Bayesian network classifiers
- Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems, October 2015 Development of a Cyber-Physical System based on selective dynamic Gaussian naïve Bayes model for a self-predict laser surface heat treatment process control
- 15th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2013 (best student paper) Towards Optimal Neuronal Wiring through Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
- 14th conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2013 Semi-Supervised Projected Clustering for Classifying GABAergic Interneurons
- 23rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA-AIE 2010 Synergies between Network-Based Representation and Probabilistic Graphical Models for Classification, Inference and Optimization Problems in Neuroscience
- 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2009 Probabilistic Graphical Markov Model Learning: An Adaptive Strategy
Best Book
- Yearly Best Textbook Award, Fundación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2004 Modelos Determinísticos y Estocásticos
- X Edition of National Awards on Informatics and Health, Spanish Society of Health Informatics, 2004 Manual de Informática Médica
- Second position, MEG Mind Reading Challenge, PASCAL2 and the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2011 An ensemble of classifiers approach with multiple sources of information
- First prize, Biomag Data Analysis Competition, International Conference on Biomagnetism, BIOMAG 2010 Multivariate Classification of MEG brain data
- Finalist, IV Decision Analysis Society Practice Award Competition, Decision Analysis Society of the INstitute For Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), 2002 IctNeo: A Decision Support System for Neonatal Jaundice Management
- Student Paper Competition, Decision Analysis Society of the INstitute For Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), 1996 (first time awarded to a non-US researcher) Monte Carlo Methods for Decision Analysis with Applications to Influence Diagrams