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CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for “Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España” about Explainable AI (XIA) here (in Spanish).

(June 2024)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza talked about Machine Learning and its application in the Coronavirus crisis here.

(December 2020)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talks about how Artificial Intelligence can be applied to combat the pandemic here.

(December 2020)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga analyzes the role that artificial intelligence will play in the development of medicine in the coming years in an online event organized by the Pfizer Foundation here.

(November 2020)

CIG’s Concha Bielza talked for a popular radio station about her work with Covid data to save lives here.

(November 2020)

CIG’s Concha Bielza works on a prediction model with patient data from Spanish hospitals here (in Spanish).

(Octubre 2020)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza explain how Artificial Intelligence can be applied to achieve winning results in Sports Teams here (in Spanish).

(Septiembre 2020)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for a popular radio station about Artificial Intelligence here (in Spanish).

(Febrero 2020)

CIG’s Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga participated in the Global Innovation Day 2019 here (in Spanish).

(Noviembre 2019)

CIG´s Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza participated in the Global Innovation Day 2019 here

(Noviembre 2019)

CIG´s Pedro Larrañaga participated in the International Conference (HAIS 2019) about Artificial Intelligence at Universidad de León here

(Septiembre 2019)

CIG´s Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Diario Vasco about Artificial Intelligence here

(Marzo 2019)

Members of the CIG Group and the ETXE-TAR Group explain the Quality control process to detect the anomalies during laser surface heat treatment here

(Febrero 2019)

Why a Ministry of Artificial Intelligence is not a crazy idea here (in Spanish).

(Febrero 2019)

CIG’s Concha Bielza talked for popular science magazine Investigación y Ciencia (Scientific American´s spanish edition). Read the article here (in Spanish).

(Enero 2019)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga introducing here some basic machine learning concepts at Radio Nacional de España in the program “Gente despierta. El cienzurdo” here.

(Enero 2018)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza explain how Artificial Intelligence can be applied for football science, intelligent scouting and preventing injuries here.

(Enero 2018)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga and Concha Bielza explain how Big data and algorithms help football coaches here.

(Diciembre 2017)

CIG’s Concha Bielza explains for Yodona how data science is applied to Medicine. The interview can be found in Spanish here.

(Mayo 2017)

CIG’s Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Economista about Data Science. The interview can be found in Spanish.

(Mayo 2017)

CIG’s Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga talked for ABC about Data Science. The interview can be found in Spanish.

(Mayo 2017)

CIG’s Concha Bielza talked for Universidad Politécnica de Madrid about her participation in the Conference celebrated in Madrid: Women in Data Science (WiDS). The interview can be found in Spanish here.

(Marzo 2017)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga explains for Madrid+ how data intelligence is applied to characterize neurons and discover different types by means of mathematical models. The interview can be found in Spanish here.

(January 2016)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Mundo about Marvin Minsky. The interview can be found in Spanish here.

(January 2016)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga was interviewed for Canal Extremadura about the paper on “one-shot learning” published, as cover page, on December 11, 2015 in Science by Lake, Salahakhutdinov and Tenebaum. The interview can be found in Spanish here.

(December 2015)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Mundo about the paper on “one-shot learning” published, as cover page, on December 11, 2015 in Science by Lake, Salahakhutdinov and Tenebaum. This paper has opened new possibilities to machine learning systems proposing human-level concept learning through probabilistic program induction. Read the article here.

(December 2015)

CIG’s Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Correo Innova+ about artificial intelligence. Read the article here (in Spanish).

(July 2014)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for popular science magazine Elhuyar. Read the article here (in Basque).

(June 2014)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga talked for El Diario Vasco about the Human Brain Project and CIG’s participation in it. Read the interview here (in Spanish).

(October 2013)

CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga and Javier DeFelipe from Instituto Cajal talked for NCI Universidad Iberoamericana about a machine learning approach for predicting the outcome of an epilepsy surgery. The episode can be viewed online.

(October 2013)

Concha Bielza and Pedro Larrañaga, full professors at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Technical University of Madrid, wrote a blog entry regarding Alan Turing’s contribution to Bayesian statistics. The blog is published by Spanish newspaper ‘El País’ and is dedicated to the celebration of the Year of Alan Turing.

El Año de Turing (December 2012)

Researchers from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) contribute to the search of a genetic test for a quick diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This test not only would help the clinical practice but also would reduce costs and patients’ pain.

Saber Vivir, Madrid+d, La Vanguardia (September 2012)

Researchers from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) contribute to the search of a genetic test for a quick diagnosis of colorectal cancer. This test not only would help the clinical practice but also would reduce costs and patients’ pain.

Saber Vivir, Madrid+d, La Vanguardia (September 2012)

Through a study based on articles published in the journal Bioinformatics, researchers from the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have developed a series of models which will be able to predict, coinciding with the time of its publication, the total number of citations that a paper published in a magazine will receive.

Madri+d, SINC, UPM (March, 2010)

Together with CIG’s Pedro Larrañaga, a team of researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) have developed a mathematical classification which makes it possible to select human embryos for use in assisted reproduction treatments. Scientists have used the morphology of embryos to select the best candidates for implantation in the woman’s uterus.

SINC, Diario Vasco, Science Daily, El País (March, 2009)